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We look the world straight in the eye and travel through its stories






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An ancient ceremony that continues to unite the community
Somewhere between Europe and what Europe is not
Stories of children and young people, rediscovering a part of themselves
Fantasia in the Lamidat of Gashiga
A contradictory city with ancient charm in which to rethink one's life
The circle is the infinite, but also the eternal return and the whole, heaven and earth together, the world

Stories of life lived

Stories to understand the complexity of the world, step by step

A towpath pulled me into a world still suspended between a fascinating past and an uncertain future: the world of the Moken, the last nomads of the sea.
In Fez, Morocco, there is a free clinic that takes care of donkeys, mules and hinnies, the real driving force of this city
Jharia is a massive hole in the ground where many people work in the coal mining industry.
They are the children taken in by the voluntary organisation Take Care Kids Onlus; they are souls trying to regain a future.
They are the commuters of Buenos Aires, those who move every day within a pattern predefined by the necessities of modern life.

In the life of people

Ordinary stories of extraordinary people worth knowing

Boxing is a sport of the soul that helps you fight gracefully against the slips of life. This is Armando's story.
In the South African town of Edenvale, Little Eden is a large family caring for people with physical or mental disabilities
A story of ordinary loneliness. A faulty story in which a piece of humanity is slowly being consumed in general indifference.
Defining Pino - Beatrice is not easy, 'I am me' he would say if asked. And indeed, this is the case.
A bit like doctors, sorceresses and psychologists, they arrived where official medicine did not come or arrived too late

Guardians of traditions

Getting to understand traditions through their fascinating stories

The Mapuche people's struggle to safeguard Wallmapu-the land, the sky and its newen-and their identity finds women central.
An ancient ceremony that continues to unite the community
Every thirty years in the sacred forests of Casamance (Senegal), hundreds of young diola boys become men through the initiation of the Boukout
That intangible feeling of lack that I discovered I had in my life as a Westerner originated and resolved itself there, in the Maasai village of Rombo Manyatta
When is it right to take photographs? A reflection arising from a trip to the Omo Valley

Places tell their stories

Getting to know the world through places and their stories

We go into the heart of Villa 31. We have entered an inter-world, where you quickly realise that the state is not there and the police are almost absent.
One morning in February, I immersed myself in its colours, also looking for the people who live here, the hues that so characterise La Boca.
Somewhere between Europe and what Europe is not
"Now you must explain to me why you want to enter the Villa." "Because beauty starts from the bottom," I replied, staring at him straight in the eye.
The MAAM is an independent museum where art and life intersect, complement and protect each other

Coexistence is possible

Stories to inspire sustainable coexistence among the Earth's citizens

The story of an encounter with a Mahut and his elephant Kropun in the jungle of Mondulkiri, Cambodia.
These photographs are fragments of an intimate and personal journey and represent the author's view of the ambiguities and contrasts of the Latin American continent.
White fish, born to move through the dark mud of the forest White, slimy, elusive fish that turned black as soon as they were removed from the earth.
The jungle in northern Thailand, near the Doi Mod mountains, is very dense and difficult to cross. This is the sacred place of the Lahu.
In Jambiani, a group of women, supported by the NGO Marinecultures, raise sponges: an activity that gives them an income and helps to protect the ocean

As explorers, we note the journey and what happens along the way

The second round of DooG Reporter's Travel Log from South America. First stop: Valparaíso.
Kratie is a small town on the banks of the Mekong, along the road from Kompong Cham to Mondulkiri. Why stop here?
Eventually, by trying to become 'unseen', perhaps, we might even find our own space to take up. The Mekong Notes started, directly from Bangkok.
Our task - as DooG Reporter - is to report on the women and men of MotoForPeace and what they will do in South America
S21, in Phnom Penh, was the most crucial detention and torture centre of the Khmer Rouge regime.
On the fourth day of waiting, the motorbikes are being run in, and with each ignition, the noise of the engines stirs the spirits.

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