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We look the world straight in the eye and travel through its stories






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miles walk

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The circle is the infinite, but also the eternal return and the whole, heaven and earth together, the world
The struggle of a people for its survival
The home of forgotten artists in old Delhi
Here live the Wayuu, a native people of the Guajira peninsula, divided between Colombia and Venezuela, now endangered by the lack of water
Young hands and bare feet work in a shed made of sheet metal and broken glass

Stories of life lived

Stories to understand the complexity of the world, step by step

They are the children taken in by the voluntary organisation Take Care Kids Onlus; they are souls trying to regain a future.
A towpath pulled me into a world still suspended between a fascinating past and an uncertain future: the world of the Moken, the last nomads of the sea.
Two years have passed, but nothing has changed. Joyce Donnarumma's reportage from Venezuela
The search for gold in Burkina Faso is the new evanescent hope for young people emigrating from villages in search of a future.
The Le Merveille Health Centre cares for children with genetic cognitive disorders or those that have arisen due to a late diagnosis of drepanocytosis.

In the life of people

Ordinary stories of extraordinary people worth knowing

Argentinians and their strong spirit of belonging are portrayed in a salute to my father who left Buenos Aires as a child.
Stories of some young Russian voices from across the border trying to build an opposition
The Golden Horse Monastery stands in the mist-shrouded hills north of Chiang Rai, near the Thai-Myanmar border.
And Soeur Maria, an Austrian from Kapanga, 80 years old one day only to lose count, was there. She was always there.
HoMe tells the story of the loss of a loved one through the work tools left behind.

Guardians of traditions

Getting to understand traditions through their fascinating stories

Today more than ever, weaving a sari with brocaded silk wefts means weaving a dream, synonymous with culture and identity
Every thirty years in the sacred forests of Casamance (Senegal), hundreds of young diola boys become men through the initiation of the Boukout
Varanasi, the sacred city of India, turns out to be a gateway to paradise for many but a hell on earth for these widows
Land of shepherds and bandits, partisans and rebels. Land of strong traditions and history in danger of disappearing.
On 31 January, in Ardesio, the 'Scasada del Zenerù' is celebrated: word-for-word, the 'send away the big Jannuary'.

Places tell their stories

Getting to know the world through places and their stories

Arriving in Peru means travelling through time and rediscovering the ancestral traces of the Incas, the Chancas, the Chachapoyas, the Mochicas and the Wari.
What is life like for the six pandas in the Beijing Zoo, one of the few places in the world, where these animals live in captivity?
Shanghai is imploding to burst with modernity, but the risk is to lose its soul.
In the floating village of Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, houses are boats on the Tonle Sap River

Coexistence is possible

Stories to inspire sustainable coexistence among the Earth's citizens

The jungle in northern Thailand, near the Doi Mod mountains, is very dense and difficult to cross. This is the sacred place of the Lahu.
Without names, without documents, without nationality, timeless. Free. This is the life of the Moken, the last nomads of the sea.
White fish, born to move through the dark mud of the forest White, slimy, elusive fish that turned black as soon as they were removed from the earth.
The High Line is an urban park built on the remains of an elevated railroad that can take you across Manhattan's West Side at a height of 9 meters.
These photographs are fragments of an intimate and personal journey and represent the author's view of the ambiguities and contrasts of the Latin American continent.

As explorers, we note the journey and what happens along the way

In the jungle that populates these remote mountains live the Bunong, an animist ethnic group that has lived in symbiosis with nature for over two thousand years.
S21, in Phnom Penh, was the most crucial detention and torture centre of the Khmer Rouge regime.
The fifth - and last - short clip on the road of the series is dedicated to the long mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in South America.
The first part is from Vinicio Fosser's diary, a full experience, lived inside the sacred city of Varanasi, India.
An elephant strides slowly through the foliage of the trees, guided by its Mahut in an almost liturgical silence.
1240 kilometres of dirt track and asphalt stretch through the clouds and crystal-clear waters of the Andes. This is the Carretera Austral.

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