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The home of forgotten artists in old Delhi
Today more than ever, weaving a sari with brocaded silk wefts means weaving a dream, synonymous with culture and identity
Varanasi, the sacred city of India, turns out to be a gateway to paradise for many but a hell on earth for these widows
During the Kumbh Mela, homage is paid to the legendary urn carried in flight by Vishnu and containing drops of the water of eternal life.
Jharia is a massive hole in the ground where many people work in the coal mining industry.
Residential training in Varanasi to get involved. An opportunity to work in the field, with all the difficulties that reporters encounter.
Varanasi Notes
In Varanasi, there are innumerable ghats, or stairways leading to the waters of the Ganges.
Varanasi Notes
More than a religion, Hinduism is a way of life, a philosophy that collects together the rules of Indian society.
Varanasi Notes
The last part of Vinicio Fosser's journal is a full experience, lived from within, in the holy city of Varanasi, India.
Varanasi Notes
The second part of Vinicio Fosser's journal is a full experience lived from the inside, in the sacred city of Varanasi, India.
Varanasi Notes
The first part is from Vinicio Fosser's diary, a full experience, lived inside the sacred city of Varanasi, India.
Cambodia Notes
During the monsoon season, the landscapes take on dreamlike dimensions, and the constant flat light puts a photographer to the test.
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