Reportage & Narration

Iraq | ©Gabriele Orlini, 2016

Narrative Photography: evolution of Reportage, from the idea to the story’s construction, with ethics and respect for truth in the image.

Buenos Aires Streets

Buenos Aires street paper

Buenos Aires Streets is a residential photojournalism and reportage training curated by photojournalist Gabriele Orlini.

From Santiago to Buenos Aires

From Santiago de Chile to Buenos Aires is an on-the-job reportage training curated by photojournalist Gabriele Orlini.

Varanasi, the shining

India | ©Gabriele Orlini

Residential training in Varanasi to get involved. An opportunity to work in the field, with all the difficulties that reporters encounter.

Lab at Villa Cometti

The Storytelling and Photography lab, curated by Gabriele Orlini and Barbara Silbe, is in the splendid setting of Villa Cometti, on the outskirts of Venice.

Thailandia Journey

To travel in raw Thailand in a Training on the Travel to learn a craft in the field by photojournalist Gabriele Orlini.

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Be inspired

Getting to know the world, one story at a time

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