DooG For Humans

MFP | Latin America 20

Along Latin American Routes

Chile | Argentina | Paraguay | Bolivia | Peru - 13K km, 14 motorbikes, 20 riders


The MotoForPeace Project

In 2020 the association MotoForPeace ONLUS – made up of members of the State Police, Carabinieri, and International Police Corps – chose to travel the roads of five Latin American states starting from Chile, through Argentina, then Paraguay, Bolivia, and ending in Peru after a two-month journey covering almost 13,000 km by motorbike.
The aim of MotoForPeace’s mission, called “Anonymous of Faith 2 – On Mission for the Missions”. – continuation of what was done in 2018 in Southern Africa – is to contribute to the development of projects aimed at making school life more effective and ensuring more efficient medical services. The area of intervention involves populations living in remote areas and rural villages in the southern part of the American continent where the commitment of Catholic missionaries is confronted with realities plagued by poverty, scarcity of resources and social instability.

The project, organised by MotoForPeace ONLUS Italy in collaboration with Dicastery for Integral Human Development | Vatican City was awarded the:

  • Medal of the President of the Italian Republic

and received the:

  • Patronage of the Senate of the Republic
  • Patronage of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic
  • Patronage of the State Police

Two months of journey, starting on 29 January from Rome and ending on 30 March in Lima, Peru: 20 people, 14 motorbikes, 2 vans crossing the Cordillera de Los Andes, travelling through endless Patagonia to the north, in the forests of Bolivia to the highlands land of the Incas.

The DooG Reporter's job

Media Partners

In 2018, we documented the mission to Southern Africa and today we have strengthened our collaboration with MotoForPeace by sharing its goals and the purpose of the motorbike raid, becoming its Media Partner for the South America 2020 expedition.

> DOCU-FILM (noFiction) | Tv, Online

> REPORTAGE | Books, Magazine, Newspapers

> DAYTIME, LIVE, INTERVIEWS | Radio, Social, Web​


day by day on the road

Travel Log

the working journal

Our task - as DooG Reporter - is to report on the women and men of MotoForPeace and what they will do in South America
The second round of DooG Reporter's Travel Log from South America. First stop: Valparaíso.
We are in Valparaíso, our starting point. We have arrived, and the road opens up before us.
One of the privileges of doing our job is to be able to tell the innermost thoughts of the people we meet.
On the fourth day of waiting, the motorbikes are being run in, and with each ignition, the noise of the engines stirs the spirits.
The first short clip on the road of the series is dedicated to the long mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in South America. We are in Valparaíso, Chile.
We are a team, which is why, as I was once told, 'always carry a pair of socks for your fellow traveller too'.
Look at the road. A motorway without barriers. Up to Port Montt, where we embark for Chaytén at night.
The second short clip on the road of the series is dedicated to the long mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in South America. We are in Chile.
1240 kilometres of dirt track and asphalt stretch through the clouds and crystal-clear waters of the Andes. This is the Carretera Austral.
Ruta 40 is unforgiving You travel Ruta 40 slowly, almost begging permission, and hope that the gaze of the Gauchito Gil is always with you.
I am Patagonia. Difficult lover, the essence of the dream. Elemental life form, motionless spectator. I am Dust and Wind.
This is the third short clip on the road of the series dedicated to the long mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in South America.
Buenos Aires, immense, makes us greet the infinity of the sky. And with trees and buildings, it draws an imperfect horizon.
The fourth short clip on the road of the series is dedicated to the long mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in South America. We are in Argentina.
The Cordillera challenges us and we are ready to face it and start going up. We reach 4000 metres. The peaks fill the eyes with a thousand colours.
The coronavirus had for the first time also touched and nicked our goal: to conclude the mission and fulfil our commitment
The fifth - and last - short clip on the road of the series is dedicated to the long mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in South America.

The team of DooG

DooG's Founder
Documentary Photoreporter
DooG's Contributor
Joyce Donnarumma
DooG's Founder
Lisa Zillio Profile
Filmmaker | Producer


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