Joyce Donnarumma

Joyce Donnarumma


I stumbled upon photography by accident and now I follow its path of relating to the world and to humans

Restless 1989 and a rugged village in the heart of southern Italy leave a strong mark on his character. Joyce Donnarumma stumbled upon photography by chance during her undergraduate studies and follows its path to relate to the world and humans.

She graduated in Visual Arts from the IED in Rome in 2012 and exhibited at the IX International Art Biennial in Rome; but the need to move pushed her to look for more, elsewhere. The journey begins.

Joyce Donnarumma tells us, “I live in Berlin, then Barcelona, learn more languages, collaborate with various photographers and in different areas of photography. Incalza the urge to confront different cultures, established traditions. The city is now tight on me: I leave on the road to Europe, everything is mine, and nothing belongs to me. Telling, losing myself becomes essential.”

She participated in the Thailand Journey Photography Workshop in 2017, thus opening her boundaries to the world. Next step: South America.

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Traveling to the rhythm of the screeching train tracks, amid the suffocating heat, uncomfortable wooden seats, and a variety of smells that overlap as we approach the border between Thailand and Laos
Venezuela's crisis deepens as a nation struggles with hyperinflation, corruption, and despair, leaving many searching for hope amid the ruins
Interview with Joyce Donnarumma, photographer and author of DooG Reporter, on the complex historical period we are living through, COVID-19 lawsuit.
The Cordillera challenges us and we are ready to face it and start going up. We reach 4000 metres. The peaks fill the eyes with a thousand colours.
Buenos Aires, immense, makes us greet the infinity of the sky. And with trees and buildings, it draws an imperfect horizon.
I recall the solemn whispers of wind and dust, where time fades amid endless nights and the melancholy of infinite spaces
Lonely silhouettes wander in the moonlit night, and as the aroma of coffee wraps around us like a warm embrace, we prepare to set off again
The colorful streets of Valparaíso echo with whispers of dissent, and the Pacific wind carries the scent of the sea, passing through a city where change is in the air
An unexpected phone call sparks a flame, and the dreams of traveling the dusty roads of South America take shape, blending excitement with the fear of the unknown
The humanitarian mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in South America in 2020, through Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru.
They are the children taken in by the voluntary organisation Take Care Kids Onlus; they are souls trying to regain a future.
It is 27 October 2017. A year has passed, and the mourning for the passing of His Majesty Rama IX, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, is still being lived.
... caricamento in corso
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