Restless 1989 and a rugged village in the heart of southern Italy leave a strong mark on his character. Joyce Donnarumma stumbled upon photography by chance during her undergraduate studies and follows its path to relate to the world and humans.
She graduated in Visual Arts from the IED in Rome in 2012 and exhibited at the IX International Art Biennial in Rome; but the need to move pushed her to look for more, elsewhere. The journey begins.
Joyce Donnarumma tells us, “I live in Berlin, then Barcelona, learn more languages, collaborate with various photographers and in different areas of photography. Incalza the urge to confront different cultures, established traditions. The city is now tight on me: I leave on the road to Europe, everything is mine, and nothing belongs to me. Telling, losing myself becomes essential.”
She participated in the Thailand Journey Photography Workshop in 2017, thus opening her boundaries to the world. Next step: South America.