Carmine Rubicco
DooG's Contributor

Carmine Rubicco

Journalist | Photographer

I am a storyteller by temperament, a journalist by nature, and a photographer by necessity.

Storyteller by temperament, a journalist by nature, and a photographer by necessity. This is how Carmine Rubicco recounts his work that began, by now, in the last century.

“So many stories told through the lens and the ‘pen’, so many places crossed, from Asia to Africa, inevitably passing through Europe and Italy, but, above all, so many people met and known whose soul I carry on me and in my spirit.

Many stories are still missing and waiting to be picked up. Billions I would say, as billions are in the world. They all have something to say in some way, yet my ear is more sensitive to the voices of those who have no voice, to the silent cries of those who suffer and struggle, to the calloused and dirty hands of those who fight every day to have what for many is normal and taken for granted. My eye is drawn to the dull light of those who go unnoticed, to the shadow of those who appear almost transparent.

In the South African town of Edenvale, Little Eden is a large family caring for people with physical or mental disabilities
The situation of those Roma families still living in the Polveriera, and in two other ghettos of social housing in Reggio Calabria.
Block Notes
Interview with Carmine Rubicco, journalist and photographer, on this period of forced closure due to COVID-19.
When she cannot make herself understood, Michelle's big dark eyes become even more expressive. They become her voice, the voice of someone born dumb
Lorenzo, 18 years old, athletic figure, quick talker and sharp eyes, runs a small shop in Naples but would like to play football.
A story of ordinary loneliness. A faulty story in which a piece of humanity is slowly being consumed in general indifference.
The humanitarian mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in Southern Africa, through South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana.
The Golden Horse Monastery stands in the mist-shrouded hills north of Chiang Rai, near the Thai-Myanmar border.
Between prostitution and glue addiction, the difficult childhood of Craica's kids flows trying to find a way to get goods of first necessity.
In the small town of Hwange, Zimbabwe, the figure of priest and bishop coincide in the person of Bishop Luis Alberto Serrano.
... caricamento in corso

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