Lisa Zillio

About correspondences in photography

In photography, synaesthesia allows the author to communicate with the audience on different levels
Published on 19 February 2019
Adaman Sea, Thailand | Gabriele Orlini, ©2017
Adaman Sea, Thailand | Gabriele Orlini, ©2017

This post is also available in: Italiano

La sinestesia, per uno scrittore, è quella figura retorica che gli permette di “associare in un’unica immagine due parole o due segmenti discorsivi riferiti a sfere sensoriali diverse.
(tratto dalla definizione dell’Enciclopedia Treccani)

An example?
In Il sogno di Maria, Fabrizio De Andrè sings “I ran to see the colour of the wind”.

Synaesthesia is used to create correspondences among senses, thoughts, and means of expression.

In photography, synaesthesia allows the author to communicate with the audience on different levels. It appeals to the personal substratum of each of us, that famous background that defines us as people. From the books we read to the music we listen to, to the scents we recognise and can generate an emotion or a well-defined memory.

Creating correlations is one of the pleasures – and duties – of a photographer. These are connections more independent compared to those of writing. Hardly controllable in their entirety by the author, they are born in our bellies and need us to grow. In front of a photograph, you put yourself on the line completely. One gets entangled in connections that one did not even imagine and then comes out with a new awareness.

Each photograph is a piece, a commitment to evolve. But only if we are willing to take this responsibility. If we do not get involved or do not follow the synaesthesia it contains, it will be just another image in the already overcrowded landscape of these times.

Text: Lisa Zillio 
Original text in Italian - In house translation
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