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The beauty of the everyday


Grasping the world’s complexity, one piece at a time

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burkina faso
In Burkina Faso's Pissy granite quarry, thousands endure grueling conditions, with many children toiling alongside adults, battling heat and dust for survival
In Malawi, poverty and stigma hinder HIV treatment for youth, while orphaned children endure significant social and health challenges
A journey in the exploration of what it means today to call a place "Home": from a still point to a place in the soul on a perpetual journey
burkina faso
In the small village of Kouini, in Burkina Faso, women take care of the family and shoulder most of the daily tasks, from agricultural production to millet grinding
In Uganda, mothers buy second-hand costumes for daughters, creating charming scenes of little princesses in an economically-driven fashion choice
In Africa, children's clothes absorb the red soil, symbolizing play and joy, revealing a universal richness in imagination beyond material wealth
In Jharia, where the air is thick with coal dust from unregulated mining, workers, trapped in poverty, struggle each day to survive
Pandemics highlight the vulnerability of developing regions where freedom of information is compromised, hindering timely responses
Fatima Mission is a beacon of hope and education for disabled children in Zimbabwe, empowering them to build a brighter future despite challenging living conditions
Beneath the skyline of the majestic Sokha Hotel, 250 Cham families who survived the Khmer Rouge genocide over 40 years ago live off what the river provides them
rd congo
The Le Merveille Health Centre cares for children with genetic cognitive disorders or those that have arisen due to a late diagnosis of drepanocytosis.
In Madagascar, it is quite common to find tacitly accepted transactional relationships, involving young girls and local tradition amidst the backdrop of white beaches and promises unfulfilled

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