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There is a square-shaped district in Tangail, furrowed by narrow, long, right-angled corridors: the Tangail brothel
In Jambiani, a group of women, supported by the NGO Marinecultures, raise sponges: an activity that gives them an income and helps to protect the ocean
The Mapuche people's struggle to safeguard Wallmapu-the land, the sky and its newen-and their identity finds women central.
Garage Saint Michel de SIC is a garage in Burkina Faso run by a nun mechanic: Alphonsine
Jambiani Notes
The Sponge Ladies guard a fundamental heritage for the development of the local community, and the preservation of the environment
In Kouini, Burkina Faso, life goes on thanks to the work and strength of women
Varanasi, the sacred city of India, turns out to be a gateway to paradise for many but a hell on earth for these widows
This is the story of the makorelle: this is what prostitutes are called in Nosy Be. Even though the word "prostitute" does not exist on this island.
African women are many working hands: they are the real strength that Africa can count on. And they are the creators of this poetry made of clay.
Kaiky, 93, is perhaps the last witness of the atavistic Moken culture, the last nomads of the sea. This is her story.
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