Our intent is to help you realize your goal of becoming a professional reportage photographer.
Mentorship is individual, personalized and tailored to your level of preparation.
But it won’t be a walk in the park: we want commitment and dedication from you.
We will encourage you to think and see differently, but it’s up to you to put it into practice.
COMPETENCE and EXPERIENCE are two keys to success for a PHOTOPORTER.
And our Mentorship is based on just that.
Before setting out, one must know what one wants to tell; otherwise, nothing may happen simply because our eyes cannot see the many things happening instead.
Knowing what you are going to tell is a skill, and it is among the things we can teach you in Mentorship.
It sounds trite, but it’s not enough to say , “I’m going to go photograph that,” and then bring home a complete job.
“During the aquazone my passport got wet and now in customs I have a problem.”
When traveling, always put your passport and credit card in an airtight bag, so even if the monsoon surprises you, you will be prepared. Knowing how to deal with minor – or big – hitches when on assignment results from experience, professionalism, and love for one’s work.
But why waste time-and sometimes even work-when someone can give you tips?
Spoiler: there can be endless snags, but if we add up DooG’s experiential background, a good chunk of them have already been solved. And this is also among the things we want to SHARE with you during the mentorship.
We want to take you to the next level in your career as a photojournalist.
With Mentorship we take care of you to achieve, together, your goals.
…get to know the world, one story at a time
DooG Reporter® is an independent project celebrating the world's beauty through stories connecting us all. Each story reveals the extraordinary within the ordinary, reflecting the world's beautiful simplicity and complex nature.
Those who tell these stories have witnessed them first-hand, becoming their voice. We aim to tell the world precisely as it is, with authenticity, curiosity and respect. We create connections that help people feel part of something bigger, broaden their horizons and open their minds. After all, isn't that what people seek when they travel?
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