
Tales of a continent too big to even describe

Heart of the world

The Le Merveille Health Centre cares for children with genetic cognitive disorders or those that have arisen due to a late diagnosis of drepanocytosis.
In Swahili, he is the woodo doctor, but to all forest people he is "o curandero."
This is the story of the makorelle: this is what prostitutes are called in Nosy Be. Even though the word "prostitute" does not exist on this island.
And Soeur Maria, an Austrian from Kapanga, 80 years old one day only to lose count, was there. She was always there.
We faced' disciples' at every bus stop, bus station or filling station.
The story of how Rwanda was able to respond to the terrible genocide of ethnic Tutsis in April 1994
African women are many working hands: they are the real strength that Africa can count on. And they are the creators of this poetry made of clay.
The humanitarian mission of the non-profit organisation MotoForPeace in Southern Africa, through South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana.
Like everything else in Africa, Time always begins and ends with one event only, and my time with them had a name
White fish, born to move through the dark mud of the forest White, slimy, elusive fish that turned black as soon as they were removed from the earth.
In the small town of Hwange, Zimbabwe, the figure of priest and bishop coincide in the person of Bishop Luis Alberto Serrano.
The search for gold in Burkina Faso is the new evanescent hope for young people emigrating from villages in search of a future.
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