Erica Balduzzi
DooG's Contributor

Erica Balduzzi


I work on exclusion, territory storytelling, local traditions and the environment. Above all, I love to tell the story of places through the memory of those who live there.

Erica Balduzzi is a freelance journalist and reporter. Class of ’87 and a native of Bergamo, after a few years in Milan she returned to her hometown, where she currently lives and works.

After a degree in human rights and international cooperation and a specialization in international scenarios of organized crime, she has been active for some time in the nonprofit sector, delving into issues related to mafia entrenchment in Lombardy and the marginalization of urban and peripheral territories. Meanwhile, she continued to grow her passion for writing, reporting and storytelling, including using different languages. She now works as a journalist, author and copywriter.

Focuses on exclusion, territory storytelling, local traditions, mountains and the environment. Above all, she loves to tell the story of places through the memory of those who live there: intrigued in particular by Alpine and Mediterranean folklore and ancient European roots, she believes in the value of words as custodianship and as valuing what is in danger of being lost.

Seeking out stories near and far, picking up the pieces and giving them voice is for Erica Balduzzi a vocation before a job.

Orthodox monasteries on the Akrotiri peninsula in Crete: Agia Triada, Moni Gouvernetou and Moni Katholikon
A journey in the exploration of what it means today to call a place "Home": from a still point to a place in the soul on a perpetual journey
Block Notes
Interview with Erica Balduzzi, journalist, a freelance reporter and author of DooG Reporter, on this complex historical period.
On 31 January, in Ardesio, the 'Scasada del Zenerù' is celebrated: word-for-word, the 'send away the big Jannuary'.
Land of shepherds and bandits, partisans and rebels. Land of strong traditions and history in danger of disappearing.
The island of Gavdos is probably the perfect place for such a project, the ideal land to build utopias
In Realdo, Luigi is the oldest and carries on his shoulders 86 years of memories, distant echoes of an inexorably fading world
A bit like doctors, sorceresses and psychologists, they arrived where official medicine did not come or arrived too late
... caricamento in corso

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