Stories Map

From the peripheries of the world and the places we have trodden and told about

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From the friendship born in a music competition to the summer spent at the Silvi Marina beach: a journey through seasonality, hard work and humanity, discovering a world suspended between summer and winter
When the Agariya community is in the desert of the Little Rann of Kutch to cultivate salt, the children study in old buses converted into classrooms.
Learning the Koran enables the young people of Troua Mala to learn the basics of their religion and helps them to grow as conscious and responsible members of the community in which they live
In Sajama, Benigna welcomes travellers to her mud house, sharing ancestral traditions and preparing chuño. The funeral of Maria Maldonado reveals ancient rituals and community life
A place of inclusion that promotes collaboration, respect and personal growth through nature and smiles
A mission of love and care that will last at least until even the last member of the family Salvatore has chosen for himself leaves him

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