Fabio Fasiello Profile
DooG's Contributor

Fabio Fasiello


In my photographic world, a humanistic background merges with influences from a Roman microcosm and the Salento sub-culture.

Fabio Fasiello was born in Salento, Puglia, from a family of merchants in 1995
As a child, he became acquainted with the world of photography and fell in love with it. During his university years, he moved to Rome to study Modern Languages and Literature at the University of Rome Tor Vergata where he graduated in 2019.

Fabio’s literary background flows and merges into his photographic world, creating a unique universe influenced by the Roman microcosm and the Salento sub-culture. During the pandemic period in Italy, he manages to catalyse his kaleidoscopic world and published his first story: LockDown. In this one, he questions social introspection in a new and unexplored context.

From this moment on, Fabio shifts his attention to the human being and his daily life, which creates a new focus for his photography. In May 2020 he participates in the “Canon Giovani” competition with a short story, Relics, which shows the differences between the world before and after the closure of Italy.
He then returns to Puglia, where he starts his first medium-term project, Origins, which tells of his childhood roots in southern Italy.

Leaving one’s country because of dictatorship and inventing a place for the mind in another. This is the story of Rafael.
Boxing is a sport of the soul that helps you fight gracefully against the slips of life. This is Armando's story.
... caricamento in corso

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