Ilaria Lazzarini
DooG's Author

Ilaria Lazzarini


To give a voice to those who don't have one, bringing closer what appears distant. This's what I try to do through photography.

Ilaria Lazzarini worked as a co-operator in Latin America while developing her passion for photography. Through her work in rural development and humanitarian aid projects, she has had the opportunity to understand and photograph very different realities. With her photographs, she has become an observer of the human condition, documenting the lives of women, men and children in rural and urban environments, with a specific focus on human rights.

In Italy, she continued to work in the humanitarian field, focusing on migration. She deepened her passion for social and documentary photography through courses and workshops, leading to photo reportages in Italy and abroad. She heard different stories, travelled and tried to represent these often distant and forgotten realities through photography.

Ilaria has done assignments in Latin America, Africa and Italy. Her photo reportages have been published in El País – Planeta Futuro and Left magazine.

When is it right to take photographs? A reflection arising from a trip to the Omo Valley
Pissy is the name of a granite quarry located a few minutes from the capital of Burkina Faso, where more than three thousand people work
There is a widespread vulnerability in Malawi, so HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention is a real challenge
In Kouini, Burkina Faso, life goes on thanks to the work and strength of women
... caricamento in corso

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