At the end of the two great wars of the last century, European countries formed a partnership based on peace and the sharing of core values for their citizens.
Among them: “respect for individual and inclusive rights, in the areas of justice, respect for cultures, languages, and with a common commitment to making people’s lives in the name of peace.”
Following the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, in which the Three Fundamental Pillars of the then European Community were enshrined, one of the many points of shared Community values concerned free movement among Member States and a shared policy for managing immigration from EU and non-EU countries.
In 2007, the Lisbon Treaty abolished the so-called “Three Pillars” and redistributed competencies within Member States, once again strengthening the democratic principle of Europe and the protection of fundamental rights for its citizens. The European Union was born.
In 2012, the European Union was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The motivation for the award reads: “For more than six decades, he has contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe“.
Over 70 years have passed since the first agreements between European states on a policy of equality, individual rights and preserving people’s lives and cultures.
Through fieldwork in the streets, squares, and among the locals, The Europe Around seeks answers to these questions. And it wants to do so by starting with some major European cities that owe their history, or nature, to their society’s multi-ethnic capacity.
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