MFP | Southern Africa 18

In mission for the missions

South Africa | Namibia | Angola | Zimbabwe | Botswana | South Africa


14,000 km, 2 months of riding, 5 countries in Southern Africa, 11 motorbikes, 2 vans, 16 people

"We wanted to see
with our eyes'

“The time had come. The television and newspaper were no longer enough.
The time had come to get up from the sofa. And face this immense journey to understand with one’s own eyes. And to try to give a hand’.


Not a journey in itself.
But a mission to bring concrete help and give visibility to the many small Christian missions scattered across this immense territory. A way to give a voice to the voiceless.

"Despite everything
we got lucky'

“The long journey and poor road conditions often put motorbikes and riders to the limit.
Despite long preparation before departure and equipped motorbikes, minor mishaps were the order of the day’.

Southern Africa 2018

The MotoForPeace Project

The challenging motorbike raid is part of the expeditions of Moto For Peace, a non-profit organisation that has been working for almost 20 years all over the world and is made up of members of national and international police forces.

Southern Africa, 19 April 2018
We begin our long journey into the African land through South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and finally Botswana. An almost 14,000 km long journey awaits us. The aim of Africa 2018 is to go and see for oneself and bring concrete help to the many Catholic missionaries working in realities plagued by poverty as well as social instability.
From April to June 2018, two months of travelling covered five countries with 11 motorbikes prepared for African roads.
16 pilots, 11 of them, and others to support the caravan.

The project was realised in collaboration with the Vatican Dicastery for Human and Integral Development.

TEASER On The Road​

The first trouble with Cape Town customs for the delivery of the motorbikes and vans prevents the start of the trip and causes a delay on the road map.

The first section of the journey, from South Africa to entering Angola after crossing the deserts of Namibia.

Anonimi della fede

The Expedition Documentary

Our work

We shot all the audio/video footage in Africa for the entire duration of the expedition, producing more than 250 hours of footage. DooG Reporter entirely produced the documentary ‘Faith anonymous | Africa 2018’, from editing to directing, from graphics to text writing to voiceover.

"My task was to document the mission and tell what is happening in this part of Africa. From the scenic roads of South Africa to the deserts of Namibia. From the dirt, potholes, dust and mud of Angola to the dazzling wilderness of Zimbabwe and Botswana. And in the middle of this world, them: the humans. Black ones (sometimes even white ones, by fault or by nature), with their stories, their dramas, their unfailing smiles (...)'

©Gabriele Orlini, 2019
Km travelled
shooting hours
audio/video clips
hard disk data
30 January 2019

Press Conference

The documentary ‘The Anonymous of Faith‘ about Moto For Peace’s expedition to southern Africa in spring 2018 is – in fact – DooG Reporter’s first medium-length production.

On 30 January 2019, at the Scuola Superiore di Polizia in Rome, in the presence of representatives of the Police Forces, the Vatican Dicastery, journalists and interested parties, the documentary was presented to the national press.

Moto for Peace 2018 PressConf
Play Video

All rights reserved
Moto For Peace ONLUS

©DooG Reporter, 2019
©Gabriele Orlini, 2018

2 April 2019

Report on RAI Italy

Report on RAI Italia: ‘Italia con voi’ presented by Monica Marangoni and Stefano Palatresi. In the studio, Costanza Miriano of Rai Vaticano, broadcast an excerpt of the documentary “Anonimi della Fede” made by Gabriele Orlini of DooG Reporter on behalf of MotoForPeace ONLUS during the 2018 Africa mission.

Source: RAI Play

Logo FujiFilm

Project also realised thanks to the support of Fujifilm Italy

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