Renato Rossetti
DooG's Author

Renato Rossetti


I have always alternated between social and music photography.

Renato Rossetti was born in Milan (Italy). He got to know the world of photography through exhibitions, books and travel.

He has always alternated the work of social photography with that of music photography, looking for something in this field that could allow him to characterise himself: the lives of musicians and their stories through interviews.

Renato Rossetti has travelled to various countries with a predilection for the Middle and Far East. He always wondered what such different peoples and ethnic groups, thousands of kilometres apart, had in common. He followed the thread of religion to better understand the link that ideally unites such different minds and customs.

He travelled miles on scooters, bicycles and carts to go to places where a ritual or custom was celebrated to keep the tradition of those people alive.

There is a square-shaped district in Tangail, furrowed by narrow, long, right-angled corridors: the Tangail brothel
Jharia is a massive hole in the ground where many people work in the coal mining industry.
We faced' disciples' at every bus stop, bus station or filling station.
... caricamento in corso

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