Natascia Aquilano

Natascia Aquilano


Social and documentary photography has always
been at the center of my main interests

Natascia Aquilano is a freelance photographer based in Rome. After graduating with a degree in Communication Studies, she began to develop an increasing interest in photography, understood not only as a purely informational and descriptive medium but as a powerful communicative tool for telling and recounting.

His studies began as self-taught and deepened later at ISFCI (Higher Institute of Photography and Integrated Communication) in Rome and WSP Photography, also in Rome.

Social and documentary photography has always been at the centre of his main interests, an area that he constantly continues to deepen through readings, and meetings, but especially in the field.

With ever-curious eyes and attentive and respectful listening, Natascia Aquilano has done work in Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and in worlds almost unknown, if closer to her.

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On July 2, the Ignudi confraternity of Enna carries the simulacrum of Mary, blending deep faith and vibrant tradition in a breathtaking procession
In Fez, the plight of overworked donkeys reveals a deeper truth about the city’s unique culture and the urgent need for animal welfare awareness
burkina faso
In Ouagadougou, Sister Alphonsine challenges gender prejudices, blending faith with her skills in engine repair and teaching the younger generation the craft of mechanics
The story of a Camino, that of Santiago de Compostela, done on a motorbike, when the motorbike is not just a vehicle but a travel companion.
A journey in the exploration of what it means today to call a place "Home": from a still point to a place in the soul on a perpetual journey
India, with its millennia-old textile tradition, struggles to preserve the art of the silk sari, a symbol of culture and identity threatened by modernity and industrial production
In Varanasi, widows are condemned to a life of suffering and social death, stripped of identity, dignity, and hope in a society that marginalizes women who have lost their husbands
Beatrice moves with humor and grace between love, freedom, and social expectations, challenging gender norms and merging diverse identities, seemingly irreconcilable but not in reality
Interview with Natascia Aquilano, photographer and author of DooG Reporter, on this complex historical period because of COVID-19.
In the crumbling alleys of Catania's San Berillo district, once the largest red-light area in the Mediterranean, lies a poignant and anarchic microcosm that still resists abandonment and social marginalization
In the eastern outskirts of Ukraine, soldiers try to uphold their values amidst devastation, facing the cost of inhuman choices in a surreal normalcy
Without names, without documents, without nationality, timeless. Free. This is the life of the Moken, the last nomads of the sea.
... caricamento in corso
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