Mirko Maren profile
DooG's Contributor

Mirko Maren

Videomaker | Reporter

I have the desire to write and tell two great stories:
the story of my life and the next one

Mirko is a Videomaker and Reporter born in 1986 in Treviso (Italy).
An avid dreamer, he has always been a fan of documentaries and aspires to produce his own to give voice to stories worth telling.

He approached the world of video and photography in 2018 when he realised it was time to follow his true vocation. He decided to drop everything and embark on a backpacking trip. To get to know new cultures and to have time to study and hone his knowledge of the world of photography and documentaries.

Love and respect for nature and all living things on earth are the most important things for him, which ignited his passion for this wonderful profession. Indigenous peoples, deforestation, pollution and the mistreatment of animals are the struggles he wishes to pursue without fear.

In the floating village of Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, houses are boats on the Tonle Sap River
In Chiapas, Mexico, the consumption of sparkling and sugary drinks by the local population is alarming.
... caricamento in corso

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