Matteo Placucci

Matteo Placucci


I firmly believe that each of us is a witness to our time.
And that this time should be documented

Matteo is a photojournalist born in 1983 on the Adriatic coast. His experience in the world of photography began in 2017. During a long journey of two years, he felt the need to tell about his surroundings. And the stories of those people who were sharing a part of their lives with him.

Empathy, sensitivity and the ability to listen are the cornerstones of photography that are developing day by day with him. And he was able to grow during his recent time in Rome studying photojournalism. Social issues, political and religious events, as well as environmental conflicts and climate change. These are just some of the topics he overlaps with the common thread of most of his projects: mental health and the emotional sphere of the protagonists of the stories he tells.

Deciding to become a photographer without any academic background was not easy, but a choice dictated by a strong need to document and bear witness. In 2017, choosing this profession, he decided to become an active participant in this testimony.

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During December's final week, Lalibela pulses with life as Ethiopian Orthodox pilgrims journey to celebrate Christmas at its ancient rock-hewn churches
A journey in the exploration of what it means today to call a place "Home": from a still point to a place in the soul on a perpetual journey
Shanghai's rapid modernization erases its historic neighborhoods, leaving behind memories of a once vibrant community as cranes dominate the skyline
Eight stories of workers in Johannesburg: all different but all similar, stories of hopes, dreams, needs and trust.
In Uganda, mothers buy second-hand costumes for daughters, creating charming scenes of little princesses in an economically-driven fashion choice
In Africa, children's clothes absorb the red soil, symbolizing play and joy, revealing a universal richness in imagination beyond material wealth
Giant Pandas at Beijing Zoo appear sad and apathetic, struggling in artificial enclosures, while visitors disrupt them for photos
... caricamento in corso
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One of those ordinary stories, of life, of places, of people, that linked together can give insight into the extraordinary world in which we live.

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