Daniela Zago
DooG's Contributor

Daniela Zago


Emotions scan the meaning of life and time. It is through the images that I wish to remain imprinted

Born in Turin, in her teens she understands that what she loves are artistic expressions. She graduated with a degree in graphic arts and advertising, photography was among her subjects of study, and she became captivated by the magic of the darkroom.

She neglected her passions for a few years, but after a stint abroad, she returned to Italy in ’97 with a new analog camera. Hence the rediscovery and the desire to resume the study for photography. Attends numerous workshops. Her professional experience ranges from portraiture to street photography, fashion to fine-art.
It is through experimentation that she directs her involvement toward reportage; during the Covid-19 lockdown she attends a year-long WSP Masterclass in reportage while waiting to start again.

Her interest is directed toward the human condition, curiosity and fascination with different cultures that she discovers through her travels in Asia, Africa, America, and Europe and that she wants to recount with discretion and respect, elements that set her apart. Interaction with the world around her puts her in touch with her deepest experience.

The simultaneous existence of those who live along that piece of the railway that runs through Phaya Thai, in the centre of Bangkok
... caricamento in corso

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