Chiara Cavoli

Chiara Cavoli


I believe it is often a shot captured by a stranger that captures the beginning of a special and unique relationship

Chiara, class of 1992, was born in a small town on the border between Emilia-Romagna and Marche.
The same border that, as if by reflex, she also finds within herself.

After university, she moved to different Italian cities to work in the health care field.
Since 2021 she has been living in Milan, where she first approached photography and took several courses.

Fascinated by relationships, whatever their nature, she is constantly on the road, looking for connections and stories to tell through her lens.

She firmly believes in the power of words, small gestures, and kindness.
Photography today has become both his language and his cure.

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In the city of Can Tho, Vietnam, lives unfold in a single room, revealing stories of care, hope, and adaptation within the boundaries of everyday life
Our gazes meet on the Mekong, a silent encounter, and who knows how many other stories have intertwined here, between the eyes and the river
In the rain-soaked streets of Cao Lanh, a silent smile and a small gesture revealed the beauty of kindness in waiting
... caricamento in corso
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