Anna Consilia Alemanno
DooG's Author

Anna Alemanno


I like to have and keep an oblique gaze on things, a nomadic gaze of one who traverses the world trying to grasp that mysterious element, not entirely graspable, that inhabits places.

She is a freelance journalist based in Milan. For many years, she worked for several fashion magazines, as editor and then editor-in-chief. Later, she collaborated with an online magazine covering travel, art and theatre.

In recent years, he has focused his interest on the narration of places, on the borderline between physical and interior paths, and has published Athens. Epifanie sospese. Cahier di viaggio; places but also people and stories he chooses to tell when he sees open wounds that need attention or life experiences of resistance, hope and rebirth.

The circle is the infinite, but also the eternal return and the whole, heaven and earth together, the world
Telling the story of Constantine is like observing Athens from above
PEL Art Project: when art and its colours manage to break through walls, both physical and cultural
A report on the Ragazzi Harraga project, done in two stages and by two different people but united by Ismaila's presence.
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