Àlen Loreti

Àlen Loreti

Tiziano Terzani Fund

I am a bricoleur with big shoes

Àlen Loreti is self-taught. He deals with the lives and books of others, but don’t call him a biographer or editor: “I am a bricoleur with big shoes”

He promoted and coordinated the establishment of the Tiziano Terzani Fund kept in Venice at the Cini Foundation. He is the author of the official chronology Tiziano Terzani, la vita come avventura (Mondadori 2014) and the creator of the biographical album. Tiziano Terzani. Guardare i fiori da un cavallo in corsa (Rizzoli 2014). He edited the Meridiani of Tiziano Terzani in the two volumes Tutte le opere 1966-1992 and Tutte le opere 1993-2004 (Mondadori 2011), the diaries Un’idea di destino (Longanesi 2014), the anthology of reportage In America (Longanesi 2018) and the pamphlet Il pensiero irriducibile (Edizioni di Comunità 2019).

Àlen Loreti is among the curators of the Festival vicino/lontano di Udine.

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A journey in the exploration of what it means today to call a place "Home": from a still point to a place in the soul on a perpetual journey
Interview with Àlen Loreti, promoter and coordinator of the Tiziano Terzani Fund, on this challenging period, COVID-19.
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