Giada Malagoli Minutiello
DooG's Contributor

Giada Malagoli


About the travel, I love the unpredictable, the thrill, the adrenaline rush that invades me when I immerse myself in a place where I don't know the language, culture or religion.

She was born in 1993, rebellious and stubborn; her desire to travel and discover the world began even before she learned to walk, thanks to her aunt and uncle, who gave her the thrill of flying at six months old. Despite a steady job and an excellent managerial position, Giada does not give up on wanting to give a voice to those who do not have one and shedding light on discrimination in the world. Her determination prompted her to reenroll at the university by taking the master’s course in human rights and environmental advocacy.

Her thirst for knowledge and desire to discover puts her inside a 30L backpack, accompanying her on solo trips where she immerses herself in the local culture. She began writing a diary but realised something was missing from her stories, so she took photographs. Photography becomes the perfect combination to give an image of her feelings, an authentic record of what she sees. Giada dislikes rules and prefers an image in which she finds strong emotion and visual impact, where one can very often capture what cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Despite her little experience, Giada jumps in, hoping that one day this may become her job, knowing that however it goes, she will continue to tell stories of hidden realities in hopes of raising awareness and promoting social change.

From discovery to solidarity: the birth of the TreeHouse Society
The struggle of a people for its survival
Here live the Wayuu, a native people of the Guajira peninsula, divided between Colombia and Venezuela, now endangered by the lack of water
... caricamento in corso

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